Jumbo Book of Funny Stuff Doc Wayne Review

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I. Mónica del P Pinzon Verano
Cuando empecé a trabajar el eneagrama con mi médico terapeuta, él me decía que al ser todos distintos, no se nos puede dar el mismo consejo, y así mismo, a cada uno nos llega o nos sirve un autor diferente. En mi caso, que predomina lo emocional y espiritual, él me recomendó a Louise Hay, a quien le he escuchado un audio. Para las personas más mentales está Eckart Tolle, a quien leí El Poder del Ahora, y me gustó. También hay autores para las personas más espirituales, para las más prácticas, en Cuando empecé a trabajar el eneagrama con mi médico terapeuta, él me decía que al ser todos distintos, no se nos puede dar el mismo consejo, y así mismo, a cada uno nos llega o nos sirve un autor diferente. En mi caso, que predomina lo emocional y espiritual, él me recomendó a Louise Hay, a quien le he escuchado un audio. Para las personas más mentales está Eckart Tolle, a quien leí El Poder del Ahora, y me gustó. También hay autores para las personas más espirituales, para las más prácticas, en fin... De Wayne Dyer no hablamos, pero para ese momento yo ya había leído Tus Zonas Erróneas y escuchado un par de seminarios, en los cuales noté la diferencia entre el W. Dyer de Tus Zonas Erróneas, ese libro que había leído hace más de 5 años, y el W. Dyer de esta nueva y prodiga obra, en la cual se incluye Tus Zonas Mágicas.

En lo que ha sido mi camino consciente de fe están los autores que arriba mencioné, y muchos otros que distingo pero que no he leído; identifico muchos puntos de encuentro entre sus planteamientos, y, probablemente sea así. Autores que se parecen (por llamarlo de una manera, que espero no sea muy ligera), que creen en lo mismo, y que lo llevan a diferentes terrenos de la vida física y espiritual; ya que muchos están dentro del movimiento que se ha conocido como Escuela del Nuevo Pensamiento.

El asunto es que Wayne Dyer me llega. Me gusta como dice las cosas, cómo revela la presencia de Dios, el amor, la confianza, la paz, y la belleza en lo más inmediato, en lo más simple, en lo que nos rodea y en lo que tenemos dentro, nos hace reconocernos como ser individual y como parte del todo. En Tus Zonas Mágicas, W. Dyer nos dice que tenemos la capacidad de hacer milagros en los diferentes aspectos de nuestra vida, y nos enseña cómo lograrlo a partir de la creación de una realidad propia mental, del encuentro con Dios (o como lo llamemos) y de la armonía y amor que podamos darnos a nosotros mismos, a los demás y al entorno. El titulo Zonas Mágicas, al tener la palabra "mágicas" puede ser asociado erróneamente, con esoterismo. W. Dyer, en todo el libro habla de la importancia de crear una zona mágica que es dónde ocurren los milagros, zona mágica que para mí es la experiencia de la vida con fe. El libro se compone de capítulos que contienen como hacer los milagros en los diferentes aspectos, como la prosperidad, las relaciones, la salud, el mundo, y a pesar de que es un cómo llevar a cabo el mismo principio, el libro no es aburrido, por el contrario, es motivante, porque se nutre de ejercicios espirituales y actitudes para llevar a la cotidianidad.

Tus Zonas Mágicas es un libro escrito para todos, pero no todos se encontrarán en él. No es un libro para las personas que no quieran despojarse de la lógica y de la racionalidad, pues pueden encontrar estas ideas como algo sin sentido. No es un libro que esté dentro de alguna doctrina religiosa, pero puede que los más sensibles se molesten con lo que dice. Me animé a leer este libro (que sería el segundo del autor) porque ya me había seducido en los seminarios que vi y porque tuve unos días de desilusión. Wayne Dyer me pone en otra sintonía, me motiva, me hace sentir alegre, o quizás feliz, me siento en paz, y me gusta sentirme así. Estoy segura, porque lo he sentido y vivido, que hay un algo más, un algo mayúsculo, universal y bello.

Jul 09, 2007 rated it liked it
I found this book in a laundromat. It immediately struck me as something I wouldn't read, and then I started reading it anyway. Then I brought it home and kept reading it. Hmmm.

I've finished this book, and I think that I can take a lot from it. And I'll probably read it again. For most of the book, I'm with Dyer and I'm into what he's saying, and then every once in a while I start thinking he's a wack job. And then I'm with him again. It's quite confusing, actually.

I found this book in a laundromat. It immediately struck me as something I wouldn't read, and then I started reading it anyway. Then I brought it home and kept reading it. Hmmm.

I've finished this book, and I think that I can take a lot from it. And I'll probably read it again. For most of the book, I'm with Dyer and I'm into what he's saying, and then every once in a while I start thinking he's a wack job. And then I'm with him again. It's quite confusing, actually.

Brian Johnson
Nov 16, 2008 rated it it was amazing
"This book was written with the express purpose of showing you the way to create what you may have previously thought to be impossible in your life."

"When I gave up the pursuit of money, more of it flowed into my life than I had ever known before. Why? Because I was living my purpose and surrendering to the universe to provide for my needs."

"If you want to experience prosperity at a miraculous level, you must leave behind your old ways of thinking and develop a new way of imagining what is poss

"This book was written with the express purpose of showing you the way to create what you may have previously thought to be impossible in your life."

"When I gave up the pursuit of money, more of it flowed into my life than I had ever known before. Why? Because I was living my purpose and surrendering to the universe to provide for my needs."

"If you want to experience prosperity at a miraculous level, you must leave behind your old ways of thinking and develop a new way of imagining what is possible for you to experience in your life."

~ Wayne Dyer from Real Magic

Wayne Dyer rocks and creating this Note was a lot of fun. If you could see what my copy of the book looks like, you'd know why. Nearly every page is underlined and starred and marked all up. It's one big Big Idea.

If Dyer's resonating with you, I think you'll dig the book as well as The Power of Intention and Your Erroneous Zones.

A key aspect of Dyer's "Real Magic" formula is to live a life of purpose—where we're less focused on "outcomes" and more focus on living with integrity to our highest purpose. The book is all about getting in touch with that purpose and rockin' it from there.

Here are some of the Big Ideas:

1. Enlightenment - Through purpose.
2. Seven Beliefs - For real magic.
3. Acting As If - Starting now.
4. Rejoice - In the prosperity of others.
5. How Can You Serve? - Powerful question.

Let's envision our Highest Selves, commit to living on purpose and create Real Magic in the world as we honor the precious gift that is our life!


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En la racha de lecturas de crecimiento personal.

Me reencuentro con Dyer después de más de una década sin leerlo, por una feliz causalidad, una amiga me contó que pasó por una librería y salió con dos libros: ambos los descargué al instante y uno era éste.

Al principio, tenía miedo de que fuera algo así como un refrito de su primer Best-seller, pero no fue así y tuve la dicha de contar con una guía más.

Heaven Leigh
Jul 26, 2013 rated it it was amazing

This is a wonderful guide to believing in yourself! Thank you again, Dr. Dyer!

I think it's very nice that you dedicated it to MJ & Deepak. I respect that you still recognize Michael as "A transcendent being, who had not only tremendous talent, but a heart as big as the sky" ~Wayne Dyer

This book gives one so many tools to overcome any obstacle and work the miracles she/he is here to accomplish.

I will read again to keep the concepts fresh in my mind.

This is a wonderful guide to believing in yourself! Thank you again, Dr. Dyer!

I think it's very nice that you dedicated it to MJ & Deepak. I respect that you still recognize Michael as "A transcendent being, who had not only tremendous talent, but a heart as big as the sky" ~Wayne Dyer

This book gives one so many tools to overcome any obstacle and work the miracles she/he is here to accomplish.

I will read again to keep the concepts fresh in my mind.

Jan 18, 2009 marked it as to-read
Dr.Wayne W. Dyer is one of my favorite authors.
Debby Saarits
Jul 02, 2015 rated it it was amazing
This was one of my favourite books and I recommended it to others for at least 15 years after I first read it. Overall I read it 6 times. Even today it's still worth the read. This was one of my favourite books and I recommended it to others for at least 15 years after I first read it. Overall I read it 6 times. Even today it's still worth the read. ...more
Carol K.
Sep 24, 2012 rated it it was amazing
Absolutely one of my favorite books! This was one of the first Wayne Dyer books I read, I've been hooked ever since! Totally recommend! Absolutely one of my favorite books! This was one of the first Wayne Dyer books I read, I've been hooked ever since! Totally recommend! ...more
Estevo Raposo
El genero de este libro es sin duda la espiritualidad, así que, si no eres una persona religiosa, o con cierto interés por lo trascendente, no disfrutarás de él.

Tras pasar la última página y cerrar el libro, me quedo con la sensación de que me queda mucho que aprehender de esta obra, con la primera lectura solo alcanzo a ver la superficie, pero me gusta lo que veo: somos seres espirituales antes que seres físicos, y a través de nuestro interior, podemos conectar con una inteligencia superior que

El genero de este libro es sin duda la espiritualidad, así que, si no eres una persona religiosa, o con cierto interés por lo trascendente, no disfrutarás de él.

Tras pasar la última página y cerrar el libro, me quedo con la sensación de que me queda mucho que aprehender de esta obra, con la primera lectura solo alcanzo a ver la superficie, pero me gusta lo que veo: somos seres espirituales antes que seres físicos, y a través de nuestro interior, podemos conectar con una inteligencia superior que habita en nosotros y todos los seres.

Karen Jett
Sep 08, 2010 rated it it was amazing  · review of another edition
Recommends it for: Those who liked The Secret
This book is excellent! It's subtitle tells it all: Creating Miracles in Everyday Life. As anyone who has watched Oprah can tell you. It's all about what's going on inside of us. But it's not always easy to change our thoughts, or even to catch ourself thinking them.

Wayner Dyer provides great tips in an easy to read book that helps us to change our thinking.

In one line: Think of this book as the 'how-to' for the book The Secret. (Note: this book was originally copyrighted in 1992)

This book is excellent! It's subtitle tells it all: Creating Miracles in Everyday Life. As anyone who has watched Oprah can tell you. It's all about what's going on inside of us. But it's not always easy to change our thoughts, or even to catch ourself thinking them.

Wayner Dyer provides great tips in an easy to read book that helps us to change our thinking.

In one line: Think of this book as the 'how-to' for the book The Secret. (Note: this book was originally copyrighted in 1992)

Aug 29, 2011 rated it it was ok
This is the first book Wayne Dyer wrote as he really started to go off the deep end into New Age mysticism and "manifesting miracles". As always with Wayne, the writing and anecdotes are good, and the message is positive. Worth reading, but take some things with a grain of salt. This is the first book Wayne Dyer wrote as he really started to go off the deep end into New Age mysticism and "manifesting miracles". As always with Wayne, the writing and anecdotes are good, and the message is positive. Worth reading, but take some things with a grain of salt. ...more
Jun 05, 2018 rated it did not like it
(This book was given to my sister as a so call gift) BUT ALERT!! I urge you to throw this book away!! It has Hidden messages and it's trying make people join the new age. You want to know about spirituality and miracles read The Holy Bible. It tells us everything we need to know, including deceiving things such as this. I'm telling you and I'm warning you, I'm practically begging everyone please don't read this book, it's a trick from the devil himself. And if no one don't want to listen to me, (This book was given to my sister as a so call gift) BUT ALERT!! I urge you to throw this book away!! It has Hidden messages and it's trying make people join the new age. You want to know about spirituality and miracles read The Holy Bible. It tells us everything we need to know, including deceiving things such as this. I'm telling you and I'm warning you, I'm practically begging everyone please don't read this book, it's a trick from the devil himself. And if no one don't want to listen to me, please if you are believer of Jesus Christ and your reading this comment it's no coincidence your reading this comment, listen!. For what it's worth at least Google testimonies on people who was freed from new age it's nothing to joke about. GOD alone does miracles! Not magics. https://youtu.be/cyOLiWivyew
Cruz Cáceres
Es un libro difícil de asimilar, puede que sea mi escepticismo el que no puede lidiar con algunas cosas que cuenta el Doctor Wayne, que asegura con plena certeza de que esa realidad mágica de la que habla es cierta y parte de todos los seres humanos. Verdaderamente su solución parece mágica, se basa en el pensamiento como constructor de la realidad el cual enfocado a la ayuda del prójimo se orientará sin lugar a dudas a proporcionar abundancia ilimitada a quien se lo proponga.
Si bien uno puede d
Es un libro difícil de asimilar, puede que sea mi escepticismo el que no puede lidiar con algunas cosas que cuenta el Doctor Wayne, que asegura con plena certeza de que esa realidad mágica de la que habla es cierta y parte de todos los seres humanos. Verdaderamente su solución parece mágica, se basa en el pensamiento como constructor de la realidad el cual enfocado a la ayuda del prójimo se orientará sin lugar a dudas a proporcionar abundancia ilimitada a quien se lo proponga.
Si bien uno puede dudar de algunas cosas, otras merecen ser decantadas y apreciadas desde una perspectiva distinta, es cierto que si tenemos una mejor visión del mundo y de las personas y proyectamos felicidad y amor todo eso abre un montón de puertas y da pie a soluciones... casi mágicas.
Después de tus zonas erróneas, tus zonas mágicas te da la oportunidad de conocerte a través de una mirada más amable y positiva. Me gusta la manera terapéutica de escribir del autor, aunque puede parecer un poco repetitiva en ciertos fragmentos. Sus conceptos son fáciles de recordar y la idea de "realidades mágicas" o "el centro que todo lo sabe" concuerda con conceptos espirituales de otros escritores. Dicen que lo que te choca te checa, creo que este escritor tiene la capacidad de obviar aquel Después de tus zonas erróneas, tus zonas mágicas te da la oportunidad de conocerte a través de una mirada más amable y positiva. Me gusta la manera terapéutica de escribir del autor, aunque puede parecer un poco repetitiva en ciertos fragmentos. Sus conceptos son fáciles de recordar y la idea de "realidades mágicas" o "el centro que todo lo sabe" concuerda con conceptos espirituales de otros escritores. Dicen que lo que te choca te checa, creo que este escritor tiene la capacidad de obviar aquellas ideas que rechazamos, para comprenderlas de una manera diferente. ...more
Anthony Louis Garavito
El psicólogo W. Dyer trata un tema abstracto o metafísico, poco tratado y especulativo; los milagros.

Explica la importancia de la espiritualidad en los seres humanos, haciendo énfasis de que es distinto a creer en una deidad o seguir rituales, es una simple actitud, por lo que podemos hacer milagros en todas las áreas de nuestras vidas; puesto que el potencial humano es enorme. El hilo argumentativo está acompañado de elocuentes citas a textos antiguos y grandes frases que refuerzan las premisas

El psicólogo W. Dyer trata un tema abstracto o metafísico, poco tratado y especulativo; los milagros.

Explica la importancia de la espiritualidad en los seres humanos, haciendo énfasis de que es distinto a creer en una deidad o seguir rituales, es una simple actitud, por lo que podemos hacer milagros en todas las áreas de nuestras vidas; puesto que el potencial humano es enorme. El hilo argumentativo está acompañado de elocuentes citas a textos antiguos y grandes frases que refuerzan las premisas del autor.

Luis Cortez
Excelente libro que te ayuda a descubrir la espiritualidad que existe en cada uno de nosotros.
Existe un ser superior, que no se puede tocar, que no se puede ver, solo lo puedes sentir. Es un ser divino. Le llaman de muchas maneras, los que creen en la religión o los agnósticos, pero su existencia es indudable.
Ese ser supremo se puede representar a través de tí, cuando elevas tu espiritualidad, cuando descubres que "eres un ser espiritual teniendo una experiencia física".
Excelente libro que te ayuda a descubrir la espiritualidad que existe en cada uno de nosotros.
Existe un ser superior, que no se puede tocar, que no se puede ver, solo lo puedes sentir. Es un ser divino. Le llaman de muchas maneras, los que creen en la religión o los agnósticos, pero su existencia es indudable.
Ese ser supremo se puede representar a través de tí, cuando elevas tu espiritualidad, cuando descubres que "eres un ser espiritual teniendo una experiencia física".
Eye opening and redundant

Its really 3.5 stars for me. I really love the theme of changing the trajectory of our lives with our mindset.

The Principles are the same, he just used many words to apply and repeat them for different life areas.

I love the application, but I do feel it was redundant in some areas. But I will be thinking on these concepts for a long time to come.

Jan 29, 2019 rated it liked it
I liked this book, but it was not an easy read for me. Dyer doesn't make do with three words when he can use five. I can see how his concepts are such a sensation, but the actual reading was not particularly enjoyable for me. I'll have to try another one of his books and see if this is typical or not. I liked this book, but it was not an easy read for me. Dyer doesn't make do with three words when he can use five. I can see how his concepts are such a sensation, but the actual reading was not particularly enjoyable for me. I'll have to try another one of his books and see if this is typical or not. ...more
Oscar Montejo Rodriguez
Sin ser uno de los mejores libros de Wayne Dyer es un libro donde se puede apreciar la evolución personal del autor desde su primera obra especialmente desde el punto de vista espiritual. Como siempre, un libro sencillo de leer y fácil entender para todos aquellos interesados en el desarrollo personal

Es un libro bien pensado para las personas que creen hay algo más allá de nuestro ser espiritual esa zona milagrosas que muchos no prestamos atención pero que realmente existen cuando uno es consciente de que hay temas que uno desconoce.

Feb 06, 2022 rated it it was ok
I liked the concept of this book: the idea that we have the power to change our lives using our thoughts. But the constant reminder that 𝙬𝙚 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙜𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙨 rubbed me the wrong way as it was mentioned throughout the entire book. I feel that this particular advice proteins to some people, but those people are not likely to pick up this book. On the contrary it's the people who are already living a somewhat spiritual life who tend to be giving towards others, thus, I felt that the repetition I liked the concept of this book: the idea that we have the power to change our lives using our thoughts. But the constant reminder that 𝙬𝙚 𝙣𝙚𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙜𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙨 rubbed me the wrong way as it was mentioned throughout the entire book. I feel that this particular advice proteins to some people, but those people are not likely to pick up this book. On the contrary it's the people who are already living a somewhat spiritual life who tend to be giving towards others, thus, I felt that the repetition was redundant. I also felt that Dyer kept using complex ways to explain simple concepts to try to sound superior. For example he used five words to explain something that could have been explained in three. ...more
Sbahat Nosheen
This is most phenomenal and powerful book.Wayne W. dyer is one of my favorite author..THIS BOOK show me the way to create miracle Mind-set to get what I may have thought to be impossible in my life and "get to purpose". This is most phenomenal and powerful book.Wayne W. dyer is one of my favorite author..THIS BOOK show me the way to create miracle Mind-set to get what I may have thought to be impossible in my life and "get to purpose". ...more
Chayapol Moemeng
It's interesting to find how we can achieve the same goal from different approaches which derived from different experience. Thank you Dr.Wayne for sharing yours.

If you are interested in self development and spirituality, this is the book for you.

It's interesting to find how we can achieve the same goal from different approaches which derived from different experience. Thank you Dr.Wayne for sharing yours.

If you are interested in self development and spirituality, this is the book for you.

Jennifer Gamboa
Even as I write this review it makes me want to go back and read the book again. I love all of Wayne's books. He is funny and makes hard topics relatable and easier to accept about yourself because he is authentic about what he has gone through. I wish I could have seen him live. Even as I write this review it makes me want to go back and read the book again. I love all of Wayne's books. He is funny and makes hard topics relatable and easier to accept about yourself because he is authentic about what he has gone through. I wish I could have seen him live. ...more
Enda Hackett
Jun 01, 2020 rated it it was amazing
This is one of those books I will definitely read again and again. I think we all need periodic reminders for things we should do or consider doing in our every day lives.
Jennifer Brown

This book gave me insight on how to allow my spiritual self take over and allow me to create miracles in my life.
Just awesome.

Carole Martell
A barrage of impactful advice seems to skim the surface while being overwhelming.
i wanna be a mermaid
Wayne Walter Dyer was a popular American self-help advocate, author and lecturer. His 1976 book Your Erroneous Zones has sold over 30 million copies and is one of the best-selling books of all time. It is said to have "[brought] humanistic ideas to the masses".

He received his D.Ed. degree in counseling from Wayne State University. He was a guidance counselor in Detroit at the high school level and

Wayne Walter Dyer was a popular American self-help advocate, author and lecturer. His 1976 book Your Erroneous Zones has sold over 30 million copies and is one of the best-selling books of all time. It is said to have "[brought] humanistic ideas to the masses".

He received his D.Ed. degree in counseling from Wayne State University. He was a guidance counselor in Detroit at the high school level and a professor of counselor education at St. John's University in New York.
He first pursued an academic career, publishing in journals and running a successful private therapy practice, but his lectures at St. John's, which focused on positive thinking and motivational speaking techniques, attracted students beyond those enrolled. A literary agent persuaded Dyer to package his ideas in book form, resulting in Your Erroneous Zones; although initial sales were thin, Dyer quit his teaching job and began a publicity tour of the United States, doggedly pursuing bookstore appearances and media interviews ("out of the back of his station wagon", according to Michael Korda, making the best-seller lists "before book publishers even noticed what was happening"


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